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How do you configure Google Recaptcha?
How do you configure Google Recaptcha for a new site? Get friends like us to help!
How can we put a video or Podcast on page and in our post contents?
How can we put a video or Podcast on page and in our post contents? Do we have to link to a video on the web?
How do I find website “Plugins”?
How do I find website "Plugins"? Where is the best place to go for them? WordPress is the most widely used free source of plugins! The WP Plug-In Directory is stuffed full of free software. While much of the directory is free some offer a scalable amount of service...
WordPress Plugins Are They All Equal?
There are so many plugins which seem to do the same thing, how do I tell which is good?
Is It Possible To Build A(One) Mobile Friendly Site By Design, To Serve All?
What does "Mobile-Friendly" mean exactly? A suggestion has been made that we have to build one site for the web and one for phones and mobile devices! Could we get some help from you, or an opinion? Thanks for your consideration.
Is web-site speed really that important?
How fast does our website have to be?
What is Brandon Gray Internet Services?
We paid an unsolicited renewal notice from Domain Registry of Canada and now have troubles! We discovered the troubles when we tried to update our website, we were advised to change hosts and then discovered our mistake in paying the wrong registry for our domain...
What is Blockchain Technology?
What is blockchain in layman's terms?
What is CSS?
Is it a language a program or what. Why do we need to, or so we are told to minify CSS and Java to be compliant, and what does that mean?
Google My Business Page Listings and Search
Who are these people phoning and claiming I am going to lose my Google search listings? What is a Google Listing and Google My Business?
How To Manage Image Size and Quality?
We are adding images to the site and are having trouble with them. What is the best way to manage images to keep them consistent and clean looking?
What Should a Web Site Cost?
How much should a good web site cost? We have a very large range of prices quoted to us, and wonder is that normal?
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